ⓒ 2024 Atreides LLC. All rights reserved.
Our Pledge for Privacy and Security
Atreides Upholds the Highest Standards of Data Rights and Transparent Security Measures
To unlock the power of data for the masses, we must play our part in raising the bar on industry standards. We will prioritize your control over your own data. Your data remains just that – yours. We will never mine or monitor your data, nor will we ever sell or share it with others.
Atreides is a Data Controller for its own data and a Data Processor for our clients’ data. Our systems are compliant with The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and The Security of Network and Information Systems Regulations (2018 NIS).
We ensure the data we source is from authorised, reputable and reliable sources and has the highest quality, fidelity and coverage.

From our data sources, we insist, among other things, on:
- Legal disclosures required relating to the collection of location data
- Global user opt-in consent for the collection of location data from mobile devices
- Our data suppliers are incorporated in the USA, UK or EU
- Our Data Protection Officer pre-qualifies partnerships

Our Commitment to Privacy in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape
Since the privacy field is rapidly changing, we regularly engage with independent experts in state, national and international privacy law, policy, and ethics and are compliant with the strongest current global privacy laws. Please inquire with us for our full privacy and security policy.